Our Cause

The Lloyds and TSB Staff Benevolent Fund is a Registered Charity (No: 276303) formed by staff to help relieve hardship and prevent poverty. We are a fully independent charity operated by a small number of Trustees and Committee Members who are all volunteers.

The Lloyds and TSB Bank Staff Benevolent Fund accepts donations from staff and pensioners of the TSB Group Plc and Lloyds Banking Group Plc.

Useful Links  AGM Meetings

The Charity is resourced totally by volunteers who will do their best to contact you at their earliest convenience.

Where it started

The original TSB Bank Staff Benevolent Fund is the successor to the Savings Bank Institute Benevolent Fund.  The Savings Bank Institute was the professional body for Savings Bank employees and its Benevolent Fund provided benevolence to the staff of the multitude of regional banks.  As the individual banks merged to eventually form the TSB Bank Plc, the role of the Institute was replaced by ourselves.  In 2009 we obtained the agreement of the Charities Commission to amend our constitution to extend benevolence to the Lloyds TSB Pension Scheme No1 (covering Lloyds Bank heritage staff).

Beneficiaries of the fund include the legacy companies of the original TSB Group Plc including UDT, Hill Samuel, Escombe Lambert Ltd, Lambert Bros Ltd, Isis Plant Ltd, Swan National Ltd and other former subsidiaries.

In 2015, to reflect change within the banking sector, we obtained approval from the Charities Commission to make further changes to our constitution, permitting us to extend benevolence to both staff and pensioners of the TSB Bank Group Plc and Lloyds Bank Group Plc.



Lawson J Coombes
Iain C Brodie
Julian Unthank
Emyr Morris


Our Independent Examiners

In accordance with the Charities Commission rules, we have appointed the following as our independent examiner and submit our accounts to him annually.

Alastair Stewart BA (Hons) CA

Gillespie & Anderson Chartered Accountants 
147 Bath Street,
G2 4SN

Our Bankers and Investment Advisors

To ensure all funds are invested and protected in the correct manner, we have appointed the following as our investments advisers.

Cazenove Capital 
1 London Wall Place
EC27 5AU

Our bankers are Lloyds Bank



We are fortunate in having a dedicated Committee, which is made up of retired officers of the Bank.  Together they provide a wide spectrum of experience which is to the benefit of all our Members in the review of cases.

Copies of the Rules and Constitution are available from the Secretary of the Fund by request.