Privacy Statement

Data Protection Officer: Julian Unthank       Data Controller: Emyr Morris


This policy details, the approach taken by the Lloyds and TSB Staff Benevolent Fund relating to the privacy of your data. This information is for visitors to our website ( and clients who make contact and wish to access the services we provide. The policy also includes those who provide donations to support our cause. We take the privacy seriously and will continuously review and improve our data security features and controls. We will ensure your privacy is protected in line with our legal obligations and statutory timescales.

Type of Personal Information which may be requested

In order to provide support, you may be asked to provide personal information. Any information you chose to provide will be used to deliver the services requested/offered. Dependent upon the type of support requested we may ask you to provide your contact details along with the way you prefer to be contacted. We may also ask for details of your income and expenditure, borrowings, assets, savings, age, marital status (for purposes of salutation only) and if you are disabled. If you wish you can also provide details of your next of kin and people to whom you have given Power of Attorney.

How we store and use the data provided

If you decide not to provide your personal information we may not be able to provide assistance or indeed respond. As a small charity supported by unpaid volunteers we do not use automated decision making and rely on the information you provide so that we may support those who are most in need.  Your personal details are often provided by telephone, post, email and through digital media. We regularly review our policies and procedures to ensure your information is held safely and securely. In the event, we become aware of a data breach we will notify you accordingly. • The personal information we hold is kept private and securely stored. All the data and records we hold for you is securely destroyed after seven years of you or your representatives not requesting support. When we no longer require that information we no longer store it. • When you provide us with information it will be used as to assess the level of support we can offer and for that purpose only.

What are cookies?

These are small files held on your computer or mobile device when you browse websites. These cookies enable us to improve our website so that you can readily access information. Cookies tell us which services and content are popular so that we can better understand your needs and services.

Our cookie policy

Cookies are used to improve the speed and security of the site whilst enabling us to continuously improve the content, navigate our website and perform additional functions such as adding comments or sharing pages etc. Our website uses analytic tools, e.g. Google, and the cookies provide us with details of visitors. Our website uses analytic tools e.g. Google and the cookies provide us with details of visitors to the site. These cookies do not contain personally identifiable or sensitive information and we use them internally for trend analysis purposes only.

Sharing your information

Access to your data is restricted and only shared with suppliers of goods and services purchased by the charity for your benefit. Prior to sharing this information, your consent will be sought to provide your name and delivery address. In case of need, the charity may supply a food hamper and has entered into a Data Sharing Agreement with the supplier that your contact details will be used only for delivery of the goods. The data provided to the third party is not to be shared or used for any purpose other than that intended. As a registered charity the Lloyds and TSB Staff Benevolent Fund is required to produce audited accounts. Our Independent Examiners are currently Lloyds Bank Group Plc Audit with whom we also have a Data Sharing Agreement which does not permit your data to be shared or used other than for the purpose intended. We will never share your data with a third party without your consent.


Where a donation is paid directly to the Fund, the data that we hold is the name and address of the donor and the amount of the donation made to the Fund. This data is not shared with any other person or organisation. For donations paid through deduction from pay or pension, the payroll provider passes no personal or financial data to the Fund. The Fund receives one monthly credit from the payroll provider that includes the contributions from all contributors.

Your Rights

At any time and without charge you may: • Object or refuse consent at the point of your first communication • Withdraw consent for us to contact you or change the way you wish to be contacted by getting in touch with our Data Protection Officer or speaking with your local volunteer. • Obtain details of the information we hold and copies of our records by submitting what is called a Subject Access Request again by contacting our Data Protection Officer who will respond within forty days. • Request us to delete or amend the data we hold for you. We will delete the data that we hold providing there is no compelling reason for your data to continue to be used. Please contact our Data Protection Officer. • Lodge a complaint with our supervisory body who is: The Information Commissioner’s Office Tel: 0303 123 1113 Website: (for email or live chat)

Our website

The Lloyds TSB Staff Benevolent Fund’s website includes links to other websites which are outside our control and are not subject to this Privacy Policy. We at the Lloyds & TSB Staff Benevolent Fund cannot be held responsible for the privacy practices of other websites and all visitors to our website are encouraged to check the privacy statement of each website they visit that collects personal information. If you have any requests regarding the personal information we process or any queries with regard to our uses of personal data please contact the charity using one of the following methods:


Telephone:  0788 166 8692.

Post to: The Secretary, Lloyds & TSB Staff Benevolent Fund, Lavender Cottage, Orchard Lane, Kingsbury Episcopi, Somerset  TA12 6BA