My daughter has benefitted massively because of this

Released On 24th Oct 2022

My daughter has benefitted massively because of this

"I contacted the Lloyds & TSB Staff Benevolent Fund after the Bank Workers charity suggested you may be able to help me.

I have a young daughter who has autism and severe difficulties, we moved house and the new house did not have a bath. We needed to put a new bathroom into the house and it was becoming apparent that the costs were way above our budget. 

From the word go you guys were very helpful and positive about being able to assist us. After a few routine checks, you were able to contribute massively to the project and without the Benevolent Funds help it would never have gotten across the line. 

You kept In touch throughout the process which was very reassuring during a very stressful time & were very caring and sympathetic towards our situation. 

After everything you even asked if you could help us in any other way outside the bathroom.

My daughter has benefitted massively because of this and it really has given her a better quality of life. 

We are eternally grateful for your help, guidance and of course generosity"