You can access our support if:

You are a current staff of either TSB Group PLC or Lloyds Banking Group or its Group Companies with a minimum of 5 years service

Or have worked for either TSB Group PLC, Lloyds Banking Group or Lloyds TSB Group for 5 years or more (or any Group Company)

Dependant(s) of retired, current or deceased staff members

and you:

Live in the UK

Are in personal financial hardship

Have savings less than £16,000

Are unable to meet your essential daily expendature

Any confusion please don't hesitate to give us a call on 07881 668 692 and explain your situation and we will be able to confirm if you can apply.


Ways We Help

See how we can help

We understand that asking for help can be hard and that sometimes you just need a helping hand to get back on your feet.  That is why the Lloyds and TSB Benevolent Fund is here to help you.  We help members of staff, ex-staff, pensioners and eligible dependents receive the financial assistance that they need following an accident, change of circumstances or unexpected life event.  To find out more about you can apply for our assistance please visit How We Help.

How We Help

Cases where we are unable to provide financial support

Assistance to anyone outside the UK

Business Related Costs

Private Healthcare & Care Home Fees

Tuition fees / Courses / Private School

Apply For Help


If having read our criteria, you believe that we can help. please provide your contact details and a short description of your situation and we will contact you.  We aim to do this within 48 hours and will treat all requests for help as confidential and ensure that your request will be considered impartially by the trustees.



+44 (0)7881 668 692

Our Process

  • The enquiry comes into the Secretary via telephone, email etc.
  • The Secretary obtains all relevant initial information and confirms all appropriate contact details
  • The Secretary contacts the relevant Area Representative (Committee member).
  • The Area Representative contacts the individual to obtain further information, seek formal consent to continue, complete an assessment form including income & expenditure.
  • If appropriate the Area Representative completes a recommendation for a grant from the Benevolent Fund & submits it to the Committee/Trustees
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Enquiry Details